the changelog
29.02.2020 - the grand opening of the website
2020-2021 - idk a lot has changed since (about me section, likes and dislikes, socials page etc.)
15.01.2022 - the day i started redesigning my website
18.01.2022 - added blog page + first blog post
06.2022 - added old index page
06.2022 - added background on index page
26.06.2022 - removed the "my creations" button + font change
05.07.2022 - added separate changelog page
27.10.2022 - added webamp with my own crappy custom skin to it
24.11.2022 - removed webamp (lol)
25.11.2022 - added a javascript thing that shows a random image
- added background music
30.11.2022 - removed blog button (kept the page for archival purposes)
01.12.2022 - new logo (techno drive ripoff lol)
03.12.2022 - added custom buttons for links
04.12.2022 - added language selection + romanian translation
15.12.2022 - removed language selection and romanian translation altogether because it was pointless